What is artificial intelligence?

The ability of any machine to display human like intelligence as a characteristic in any decision making process is popularly known as artificial intelligence.

Machine learning is also an important component of artificial intelligence that utilizes large amount of data to provide beneficial insights.

Artificial Intelligence is nowadays performing many important tasks such as space exploration, diagnosis of deadly diseases, and translation of languages along with providing expert consumer assistance.

Many known public and private sector organizations are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to perform vital functions such as data analytics, detection of frauds, personalization and speech recognition exercises.

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning are leading businesses to unexplored frontiers resulting in profitable expansion.

use of artificial intelligence and machine learningSource: Accenture and Frontier Economics

The rise in the computational power, self-learning algorithms, large availability of data and increase in complexity of problems has led businesses to invest in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The use of intelligent chat bots in order to provide immediate assistance to the customers has resulted in boost of daily sales along with rise in customer satisfaction levels.

Majority of digital enterprises are using higher algorithms to forecast the market trends and predict the behavior of the daily consumers.

The major witnessed advantage of using self-thinking algorithms for businesses is identification of the unexpected risks and vulnerabilities present in the system.

Giant enterprises such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, IBM and Microsoft are putting together all the necessary efforts to raise general understanding about these advance technologies. 

The pioneers of technology such as Microsoft, Amazon and Apple have developed their own artificially intelligent assistants named Cortana, Siri and Alexa.

It is right time for you to meet an artificially intelligence expert and develop an intelligent assistant for your digital enterprise and your valued customers.

How will artificial intelligence help my business?

How will artificial intelligence help my businessSource: Capterra

You need to identify the operational area within your enterprise that requires improvisation such as the supply chain operations or the human resource management department.

Secondly you need to collaborate with the technology experts and all the stakeholders in order to formulate the implementation strategy involving all the AI systems.

The final step would be to provide the necessary scalability and constant support in order to sustain the proposed solution.

You can transform your business into an artificially intelligence driven digital enterprise and avail following competitive benefits almost immediately.

Greater Flexibility

Artificial Intelligence powered with real time analytics can introduce great amount of flexibility in almost majority of your daily operations.

The smart bots can manage your daily workflows, automate the supply chain operations, ease of the manufacturing processes and simplify the accounting procedures.

These particular functions when performed by AI can release substantial amount of burden from the staff and can add some flexibility required to focus on other core competencies.

Speed and Agility

The use of AI based services has naturally made businesses more agile, speedy and responsive in their daily operations. 

The prediction capabilities and authentication power of AI has led to secure and agile online transactions thus saving a lot of valuable time and resources.

The artificial intelligence has added to the much required responsiveness and quickness in diverse operations such as customer assistance and supply chain.

Rise in Scalability

Scalability and profitable expansion are one of the most important characteristics of growing enterprises and entrepreneurs.

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning have resulted in increased scalability of all the operations such as manufacturing, marketing, consumer engagement, supply chain operations eventually resulting in greater profits.

The increasing use of advance technology has eased off the burden of managers and employees thus resulting in significant boost in productivity.

Improvised Decision Making

The intelligent insights provided by the artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics algorithms have led to identification of unexpected errors.

The extra ordinary prediction capabilities of AI have led to significant progress in all fields of science and commerce such as space and weather, medical science, defense, ecommerce, education and governance.

The profitable insights and forecasts provided by AI have led human to seek the unexplored regions such as cure for incurable diseases, knowing far off galaxies, identification of frauds and understanding the consumer behavior.

The one of the main purpose of AI is to help humans and businesses to make better decisions and derive solutions for one of the most challenging problems.

Easy Personalization 

The role of Artificial Intelligence in providing personalized assistance to humans all around the world is one of the most influential benefits.

Starting from auto generated playlists to self-driving cars AI has personalized the human world with its self-thinking, learning and adopting algorithms.

The field of social media marketing, popular web engines and large online commerce enterprises are completely relying upon the insights provided by smart AI about the behavior of the consumers.

The highly personalized smart devices, health monitor, facial and speech recognition AI are adding a great amount of support and personalization into daily human lives.

The AI assistants of Microsoft, Apple and Amazon popularly known as Cortana, Siri and Alexa are widely used by humans as personalization solutions for daily tasks.

How does Artificial Intelligence work?

Artificial Intelligence is an attempt to create human like intelligence that can perform functions that requires cognitive capabilities such as plan, reason, learn, perceive and process natural language.

Scale of Artificial IntelligenceSource: Wired

Artificial Intelligence basically consists of self-learning algorithms which compute large amount of data in order to convert it into meaningful insights and services.

These self-learning algorithms are given education through a very popular model known as machine learning model which consists of following three methods for learning.

Supervised Learning

Simple learning in which labeled data is provided along with the desired or the required output to the algorithm.

Means rules are simply input into the algorithm which is just required to be followed when identified making it as the most basic one.

Unsupervised Learning

The algorithms are taught to identify correlations and patterns among different data sets thus adding upon their decision making skills and intelligence.

The prediction of your shopping requirements and expectations by online commercial websites is one of the best examples of unsupervised learning.

Reinforcement Learning

The algorithm is very much required to interact with the dynamic environment and thus is provided with feedbacks in terms of rewards and punishments.

The best example is the newly developed self-driving cars which extensively use reinforcement learning techniques.

Why has artificial intelligence and machine learning become important?

The main motive of research and development into two important fields was to explore the unlimited potential possessed by the higher technologies.

It was kept in mind that these technologies when fully developed will achieve feats that humans possibly can only think off such as deep space explorations and faster commutation.

Revenues from AI for Enterprise Application MarketSource: Forbes

The rapid development in many key areas of technology has led to such an exponential rise in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Easy Availability of Data

According to the research more than 3 billion people are online along with an approximate 17 billion connected sensors and devices.

Thus it has become necessary to develop tools to access and process such a large amount of generated data sets on a regular basis.

Higher Computational Power

The development of really fast computers with very high data processing capabilities running into few terabytes per minute has led to the rise of much capable AI systems.

Quick Innovation in Algorithm

The scientific research has developed new innovations such as deep learning and neural networks leading to formulation of higher and very much capable algorithms.

What points must be kept in mind before investing upon artificial intelligence for my business?

  • The most important thing that must be kept in mind is to commit and invest in development of skills which will help you to manage the human machine interface.
  • Everyone must be trained in so called fusion skills such as delegation of tasks to AI to become comfortable working with AI integrated machines.
  • It is very necessary to develop technique to combine distinctive human skills with that of intelligent machines to get better outcomes.
  • Workers especially in the IT sectors must know the technique to train the intelligent bots for development of new skills such as feeding new questions and data sets.


It is very clear that organization that use intelligent machine to displace worker and introduce automation are misguided and do not know the full potential of AI.

The best approach for tomorrow would be to embrace collaborative intelligence, study the markets, and educate their workforce and then transform their operations.

The lack of proper understanding of the working as well as use of artificial intelligence raises many important concerns such as accountability and security which can never be neglected.

Thus for you to benefit from future it is very important to optimize the collaboration between the humans and the artificial intelligent technology involved.

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