What is cloud based enterprise application?

Cloud Computing has been defined as paid on demand delivery of highly secure computing power, data base storage, enterprise application infrastructure and all other resources.

Now you can easily manage your digital business architecture with the help of advance cloud based enterprise application solutions and services.

The rise of highly productive cloud technology has eliminated all the barriers to enterprise level application development.

During the traditional practices of application development major issues were observed such as   shortage of expertise, backlogging, knowledge gap and unnecessary delaying of projects.

Source: Simplilearn

Many enterprises were looking for a collective solution that can provide them with the necessary computation power, database storage and continuous content delivery.

Giants such as Amazon, Microsoft, IBM and Google offer professional cloud services that can help you build and manage sophisticated applications for your enterprise.

You can derive great benefits form cloud based solutions such as easy and quick management of important functions such as supply chain, procurement and finance.

Many enterprises have reported substantial increase in performance, significant improvement in speed and agility along with enhanced data security after adopting cloud.

Script All DNA is a leading cloud solution provider and advises you to invest upon cloud to become more agile and collaborative in your business approach.

Why should I adopt cloud?

You can generate great value for your business by taking advantages of latest technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence along with big data and analytics.

Majority of digital enterprises like yours are saving almost one third of their operational costs by relying upon cloud based enterprise application solution.

Cloud based enterprise platforms allow for better communication along with real time collaboration between different business teams.

Script All DNA provides some of the basic reasons for why you should adopt cloud based enterprise application solution and services.

  • No need to worry about time consuming or expensive infrastructure along with hardware installation
  • Now become free from frequent cumbersome dealings with server security, availability and uptime.
  • Easily resolve the challenges faced while enterprise application development with advance built in tools, APIs, security, data integration, and reusable user management components.

Source: Microsoft

  • Saving of valuable time and resources on expensive talent and investment in costly infrastructure.
  • Elimination of lengthy and rigid development procedures along with redundant large teams of in house resources.
  • Businesses of all shapes and sizes can avail the benefits of cloud powered customized application solutions.

How will cloud computing work for my business?

Basically the cloud based enterprise application development services will provide you easy access to databases, storages, services, servers and other high end technologies.

The known cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure have their own reliable and secure data and computation infrastructure and centers.

Script All DNA is a proven cloud based enterprise application solution partner and reveals many benefits of cloud for your business.

Great amount of Agility

The cloud enables you to innovate quicker along with easy spinning up of the resources needed by your enterprise.

Deployment of hundreds and thousands of servers happens in couple of minutes adding upon the overall agility and dynamism of your business operations.

It becomes much easier for you to access advance technologies such as storage, computation, databases, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence as and when required.

Quicker development and faster roll out of applications creating ample opportunity for your team to frequently experiment and innovate.

In case of failure of any experiment and operation you can always recover all the valuable resources without any fear of loss.

Global Deployment

With just few clicks you can effortlessly deploy your enterprise applications in multiple physical locations all around the worlds with the help of cloud.

Provide a boundary less and seamless experience to your far spread global customers at minimal amount of costs.

Proven Elasticity

Instant scaling up and down of the digital infrastructure can lead to smooth handling of all the business operations for any amount of activity.

Now you can easily select services from a range of suites available to meet all your business requirements.

Saving of Costs

The cloud pushes for variable expense rather than fixed capital expense such as data centers, private servers thus resulting in substantial reduction in consumption costs.

The overall variable expense is much lower if calculated otherwise due to the larger economies of scale resulting in cost saving.

How many types of cloud computing services are available?

Three different models are available depending upon the requirements of the individual projects and the whole enterprise businesses.

Script All DNA advises you to select the right fit of cloud computing depending upon your business objectives and avoid any unwanted heavy lifting.

All the three models serve unique purposes and forms different components of the stack of cloud computing.

Software as a Service

It provides you with the complete enterprise application product which can easily be run and managed by the service provider along with your collaboration.

Platform as a Service

It allows you to manage the successful deployment of your enterprise application without owning the costly infrastructure such as hardware and operating systems.

Source: UBM

Infrastructure as a Service

It provides you with complete computational facility along with the networking features and the required data storage space.

The particular service provides you with maximum amount of IT infrastructure and control over your resources.

What are the things I must keep in mind while choosing a cloud solution partner?

Almost all the cloud based enterprise application solution provider share common characteristic such as agility and performance enhancement.

Still cloud experts of Script All DNA reveal some important factors that you must consider before selecting a cloud app development partner.

  • Always look for quicker enterprise application development tools.
  • Security must be kept in priority as majority of applications rely heavily on company and customer data.
  • Scalability must be looked upon after successful deployment of your enterprise solution.  
  • Only those tools must be selected that can support the massive flow of your business.
  • Try to look for inbuilt support for disruptive innovations by selecting superior enterprise application solution for sustainable growth.
  • Choosing the rightly fitting ecosystem capable of decreasing the money and time spent on resources and will ensure readiness of your application.


The rise in the value of data has created an urgent necessity for the enterprises to store and process large amount of data amounting to few terabytes per day.

Hence it has been necessary for today’s businesses to invest upon a cloud solution partner in order to easily handle the data as well as the business operations.

Script All DNA technologies have proven expertise in cloud based enterprise application development and can help you make your digital enterprise more agile and performance driven.

Startups are highly recommended to meet the cloud experts and discuss their problems as well as their requirements.

Cost reduction and access to ahead of age technologies can result in unparalleled growth for your digital enterprise. 

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